Program Integration CaredFor Approach
We looked for ways to help programs do well by doing good and created a platform that helped to bring recovery securely and safely to tens of thousands of people. Both mental health primary and addiction treatment programs can now positively affect short- and long-term outcomes through a diverse set of micro-transactions. CaredFor connects patients with critical information, self-evaluation tools, and peer support while promoting engagement in virtual and in-person programming. CaredFor user success translates into the treatment organization’s success by giving patients ownership of their recovery—helping to reduce AMAs, increase lengths of stay, and encouraging the stepping down to lower levels of care. All of the progress and achievements are documented to help encourage others to enter treatment in your program and report outcomes for payers. All while helping to streamline the engagement process so you can produce more from your existing staff.
Program Integration Residential & PHP
At the highest levels of care, engagement and monitoring are high, but as the course of recovery is set CaredFor can offer a secure online platform. It is here that we can establish a new channel for treatment that shows how technology can be an asset to them. With new habits instilled, we help them see your program as a greater resource and trusted long-term partner. While increasing engagement, it also works to increase conversion and set expectations for the next level of care.

Program Integration Aftercare
Over the past decade, alumni programs have evolved from hosting sober fun activities to an essential department that contributes to business goals. Programs that have invested in alumni programming have seen better long-term outcomes and census contributions from 30–50 percent that have the lowest cost-per-acquisition of all admissions sources. CaredFor provides both a customizable structure for delivery of your alumni program and a secure channel for interactions that makes it a safe place for self-growth. The platform creates effortless engagement throughout the day by providing educational resources, interactive exercises, peer support, self-evaluation, recovery celebration milestones, and promotion of events. Through efficiency and automation, it relieves staff of traditionally manual tasks so you can do more with less.
The cool part was the app triggers notifications to the users for upcoming events and we noticed a spike in participation.
Michael Maassel // Harmony Foundation
Program Integration IOP & OP
With increased self-reliance, the intensive outpatient and outpatient levels of care provide support while navigating real-world challenges and stressors. During the hours not in treatment sessions, CaredFor can fill the gaps with exercises, peer support, and self-evaluation tools. By keeping patients engaged in recovery predictably and persistently, we work to keep them from unhealthy distractions which can lead to relapse. The goal is to keep them in the IOP and OP settings until the recommended completion date, putting less of a burden on marketing, business development to maintain census. Reducing the number of those who leave unanticipatedly early has the mutual benefit of a healthier program and healthier patients. CaredFor becomes your asset that can be promoted as a component of the delivery of treatment for an even more comprehensive recovery experience.
CaredFor has so many tools to help build community faster and can provide so many resources within the app to make it easier for us.
Bill Caldwell // Cedars a Cobble Hill
Program Integration Family Program
A healthy family dynamic is a critical aspect of recovery by creating an environment of success. As family members better understand their role and the effect of their personal actions, we can collectively work together on an aligned approach. By working together we create relationships that can extend the program’s ability to observe and address concerns when challenges present themselves. CaredFor provides family peer support, education, and improved lines of communication. By providing an always accessible channel to these services, the platform becomes a tangible resource to complement your existing curriculum. As families better understand recovery and the path to it, they may help to evangelize the positivity and success by introducing it to others who may benefit from it.

Program Integration Recovery Coaching
The role of recovery coaches has become more structured and they are now considered a more formal level of care in the continuum. As a step down from outpatient treatment, recovery coaches provide an individualized touchpoint to help as an informed resource. CaredFor helps recovery coaches make efficient use of their services whether as part of a program or as an independent provider. CaredFor helps to increase efficiency by making it easier for the peer support coaches to more frequently engage your patients. Private HIPAA compliant messaging and assessments help your coaches to identify patients who may be at risk and reach out before the situation turns into a crisis.

Program Integration Admissions
Many who engage with admissions are contemplating treatment at your program, but self-imposed barriers prevent them from making the commitment. CaredFor helps by giving your admissions team the ability to continue to better understand their condition and provide insights into how your program can be part of their journey to a healthy future. Before they hang up, staff can offer access to the app where they may continue to engage. With the focus on conversion, CaredFor can maintain a relationship with treatment prospects and provide important information in an environment that is sometimes perceived as less threatening. As they continue to visualize a new way to live and the benefits of the care that your program provides, we introduce a call to action that brings them directly into admissions rather than to a google search that may allow bad actors to get in the way.